Sunday, February 01, 2009

One for the memory books
Here are some pics from Kentucky's worst ever winter storm!

It sure was pretty seeing everything else encased in ice...but then came the tree damage. What a mess! Everywhere I turned there were large downed tree limbs and many of my neighbors were without power. I was walking my dog down the street (sidewalks were too covered with snow) when suddenly he veered a hard left in the snow and tried to pull me off the street. And that's when I saw it-- a downed power line right in front of me. It blended in so well with the street it was almost invisible. Luckily it wasn't live, but I still say Mango is a smart dog!

It's times like this that I am grateful for electricity, snow plows, gas fireplaces, and hot chocolate. My only regret is that I didn't get to go sledding! I hope if you are reading this that you are back in your own home enjoying your electricity.

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