Friday, June 05, 2009

Toni & Tobiah are married!
It's always a good feeling the second the dress goes on....
The girls were a fun, happy group!Here's Tobiah with their son Tobiah Jr. Isn't he the cutest?
(Yes, BOTH Tobiahs are cute!!!)
Here are the guys-- hamming it up!So this is the wedding with 36 people in the wedding party. And SUCH a good vibe they had-- everybody was so nice and I loved the festive attitude of the group. I can't wait to design their Storybook Album-- !

1 comment:

Toni & Tobiah said...

Hey Liz,

The pics are beautiful!! They are such a tease. I am so anxious to see all of them. Thank you all for a job well done. You all were great!!
