Monday, February 06, 2006

I baked cookies for a Super Bowl party Steve & I went to. Steve took this picture as proof since baking is a rare event for me. Note I don't even have a complete set of oven mitts!!

At the party, I heard another sad-but-true tragic wedding picture story. The new bride I talked to got married last July and is actually going to sue her photographer to get her pictures! She said the photographer (who is out of state) won't even return her calls.

I just have to say this: Don't even think about becoming a wedding photographer if you are not passionate about photography, weddings, love, and brides and grooms. This is an event of a lifetime and needs to be treated as such. I just can't imagine being so callous about such important pictures. Whew! (end of rant.) Sorry about that, it's just that I hear stories like this all the time and I can't believe this stuff happens-- but sadly it does.

Anyway, the cookies were yummy.....

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